Breaking the Hush Factor

Ten Rules for Talking with Teenagers About Sex by Dr. Karen Rayne


Breaking the Hush Factor, written by Dr. Karen Rayne, is a new kind of parenting book. It isn’t only for parents, it doesn’t make assumptions about gender or sexual orientation, and it won’t scare you.

Instead, you’ll find ten concrete rules to strengthen your relationship with your teenager so that you can start to talk about sex. Because most people have sex and everyone needs to talk about sex. Teenagers have adults in their lives who can help them. Breaking the Hush Factor will teach those adults how. 

With design, illustrations, and comics by Sam Killermann, and being published by Impetus Books, Breaking the Hush Factor is a shining example of a hues collaboration.

In Tolerance

A Comedy Show about Prejudice¹, Faith², & Identity³.